wheel chair kate

by Sarah

When I was little I had an imaginary daughter. NOT friend. She could not walk. I would push her everywhere I went. I shared my food, saved her seats, and let her sleep with me. She was my whole world. Since I didn't grow up with other kids my age, she was that.

We talk a lot. She told me that her legs and knees hurt, so I would rub them. She also told me secrets. Once when we just got up she told me what we were having for dinner that night. And she was right. My mother didn't believe me when I told her about Kate. I said she had brown hair, blue eyes, and that she was very thin.

One morning when I awoke she was already sitting in her wheel chair. She smiled and waved, I have never seen her again. My mother asked why I wasn't pushing her, and I told her she was gone.

Today I am 15 and I believe she was my guardian angel. After she left a seres of events happened that would change my life in a bad way forever. I never feel alone because I think she is always watching me. When I do feel alone, I start to cry. I believe she had polio. If anyone can help me with these few questions below that would be great.

Could Kate tell the future?
Why do I cry when I feel she is not there with me?
Why did she leave, and why can I not see her anymore?
I still talk to her, but now I get no response.

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Oct 28, 2011
by: Sarah

Thanks so much!

Oct 28, 2011
Be Happy
by: Anonymous


I canĀ“t really give you answers on your questions, but maybe she "left" you, because she knows that you are fine without her all the time around you and she is there only sometimes or guarding you from distance, because most people would not understand an imaginare friendship, a guard or whatever she is. Maybe you can not see her because you dont see the world through children eyes anymore, but she is still there just mor invisable than before and you feel sad and cry, cause it is some kind of a process you turn away from her cause its time for that. Its a very natural pain, also a child would feel, being away from a family member. I am sorry, my english is not that good, that i can really express what i want. My sisters child (4 years) has a little friend who lives on the garbage place. it made me laugh in the first moment, but actually I dont know who he knows : ) Feel happy, that you are able to experience something like this!

Jul 19, 2011
by: Sarah

thanks so much. Glad some one understands

Jul 14, 2011
Sarah, I kind of Know how you feel

I read your story and I wanted to tell you when i was five months old my brother died. I still see him sometimes and think of him as my guardian angel. Sometimes i feel like you do and feel like he is not there. MY mom was at work one day and she saw a boy that looked identical to my brother. He was watching her and it made her sad to think of him.She went to her office and cried a little bit. She was gone for about a minute when she came back he was gone.

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