Regal Cinemas - Eugene, Oregon - Located in: Valley River Center Address: 500 Valley River Center, Eugene, OR 97401

by ag
(Eugene, Oregon)

My partner and I went to see a movie recently at Regal Cinemas at Valley River Center. We have been going here weekly for about 15 years. (Give or take a few). This past visit I walked into the theater (10) and noticed a blonde woman sitting in the handicapped chair closest to the hallway. THere is only one chair there and I noticed she was sitting alone. She had blonde hair, cut into a bob with bangs. I think she looked about 55 o 60. I walked past the seat, sat down in the nearest seat to her which was a little ways past her (there is a few feet of empty floor space for a wheelchair to sit next to where she was sitting) and turned to look and there was nobody there. There was no way she could have gotten up and moved in that split second without me seeing her. I asked my husband and he said nobody was sitting there. OK, so I study psychology and I realize that perhaps it was the lighting, or maybe I am losing it?? But, I swear I saw a woman sitting there and then she disappeared. There were no bad feelings.

Comments for Regal Cinemas - Eugene, Oregon - Located in: Valley River Center Address: 500 Valley River Center, Eugene, OR 97401

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Oct 28, 2015
I Have . . . NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a friend who is one of the most psychologically stable person I know. She lost her son to drug addiction approximately fifteen years ago. (I'll call her Jane.) Jane told me that one day when she was driving down a busy city street, she saw a young man, shabbily dressed, holding a cane standing by the side of the road motioning her to stop and pick him up.

Now Jane is not somebody who is at all likely to pick-up a hitch-hiker. She explained to me however, that something told her she should stop for this young man.

She went on to say that she stopped her brand new Cadillac, opened her back driver side door and motioned to the young man to "Get in!" She told me that she'd spoken to him in an annoyed sounding voice tone.

Jane said that he spoke very little, but that she could see his eyes in her rear view mirror and that he wore a haunted expression in his eyes. He asked her to drop him at a corner just up the road.

Jane proceeded to pull over and dropped him off. As she pulled away from the curb, she looked back and the young man had totally disappeared! She believes in the deepest corners of her soul that that young man was her son!

(Just wanting to reassure you that 1. you're not alone, and, 2. It pays not to jump to conclusions like, "I'm losing it." 3. There are many unexplainable occurrences in this world and I believe that yours was one of them!)

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