Orbs and Light
by Cheri
Odd orbs, always around face
Odd light and obs
No Orbs
These modeling pictures were taken in multi-picture mode. In the same sets, there are pics with these six-sided orbs and/or with light shooting out, while others show none at all. The pictures taken in succession may be taken in a sequence of five, for example, and pictures 1 and 4 may not have the orbs while the rest do, and there is barely a difference in the pictures. If you look closely, there are three orbs and always around the head, face, neck and upper arm area. None are on the legs or lower part of the body whether standing or sitting. No matter how my head is titled or the position I stand or the photographer's POV, there are these three orbs in the same area of the body. If it is moisture or sand, I would think the "spots" would be on other areas of the body depending upon whether I stand or sit or where the photographer stands (there are a couple of dozen of these pictures). I don't know what they are and would really like to know.(Note: These come after some odd events that I'd share if someone was interested, but I already seem crazy enough.)