Mount Washington Forever cemetery in Independence, Missouri

(Independence, Missouri USA)

I lived near the cemetery for around three years. When I first moved there I assumed the noises and voices I heard were of vandals, as the cemetery has suffered from lots of vandalism over the years. Gradually, I realized these were not the voices of living people. It began to bother me. Many times after dark I walked from the bus stop on 24 Highway down Brookside Avenue alongside the stone wall of the cemetery. I saw flashing, strobe-like or lightning-like blue lights on a couple of occasions. No voices were audible to me walking along after dark, though. It just felt creepy. At night, in warm weather with my windows open, I heard male voices yelling, "NO! NO!" There were screams, male and female. It sounded like a cacophony of voices sometimes. I could go out and sit on the front porch after dark, and it wouldn't be long before I would begin to hear things. I have relatives buried in there. I rode my bike around many times during the day admiring the two stone chapels, the ornate mausoleums, and other beautiful memorial tributes. The place has "that certain feeling" even in the daytime. In the early 1800s, this property was an amusement park. A psychic relative told me the cemetery is "quite haunted." I moved away from there because it was starting to bug me.

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