Kathie-my 'imaginary' friend

by Camille
(Chàmps Elysées, Paris, France)

Going back to the time when I was 6;

It had only been 4 months since we (my dad, mom, me & my 9 year old younger brother, James) had moved into our new house in Eureka Springs, AR. It was an exquisite mansion, complete with golden borders on the bed, sofas and cushions. I loved this mansion, and I chose one rose-pink room to be my room. I met this one girl who was always dressed in a long blue silk gown, hair in pigtails with a red ribbon on each one. She told me her name was Kathie, and that her parents had gone to Mexico leaving her alone. She also said that she was 12. I always told mom about Kathie, but she never believed me. One time, I went in my room to change my clothes. I found Kathie stuck in a corner of the room, shivering. I asked her what the matter was, and she answered "My brother keeps visiting me. I'm scared of him" I asked why but she kept quiet and said "I can't say. Please stay here, he will come again after a while and I need you to talk to him"
Just as she finished saying, a huge, black shadowy figure entered through the round window near my bed. I was so scared I ran downstairs and stopped in the hall. And there Kathie was, and one thing I knew, she was furious at me. She disappeared and was never to be seen again.

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Oct 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

Nice story.And Katy McCaray, I read one such story in another site (I don't think you copied) in which a skeleton enters from the window and searches for his younger sister. So I don't think it's fake!

May 24, 2011
Doesn't SEEM true
by: Katy McCaray

I'm sorry Camile I don't think its true if shes ghost then how can kathie be scared of her brother. And if ghosts have bros, then how can the bro come to his dead sister's place and it happens most unlikely that a dead ghost girl and her brother have die in the same time.

May 24, 2011
Dude good
by: Anonymous

Your story is intresting can you tell me the address which the house is I want to go and see very nice story

May 24, 2011
Dude good
by: Anonymous

Your story is intresting can u tell me the address which the house is I want to go and see very ncie story

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