How do I view orbs in daylight?

by Carol Hicks
(Bexhill-on-sea e.sussex)

Please tell me how can i view my orbs in the home in daylight as i can only view them at night with a night vison camera which is designed for security in the home for day and night.I submitted a picture before which i like to say thank - you for doing for me (feels great) and i have these anothers I like to show you. I have orbs and shooting lights and these pictures that i was told is earry if thats how its spelt. Im fast becoming a fan of this sight you have and being interested in all things supernatural and spiritual facinates me and wants me to know more.There has only been 2 things i have seen with my own eyse with out a camera and it was last yr 2011 before i got the camera was a soldier of ww2 and a oval shape mist really thick 4 days after my father died 2005.(the pictures i like to share are these ones.

many thanks carol hicks (facebook)
bexhill-on-sea east sussex

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