great falls high school in great falls montana

by mandi spece
(great falls mt )

At freshman orientation every year the seniors get the freshmen riled up by telling them the story of the girl who haunts the theater stage. Little do they know it's true... When the school was fairly new a student had an affair with a janitor. She was called out for this infront of the whole school so ashamed she went into the storage facility under the stage and hung herself. Since then strange things happen if shakespear is preformed on the stage she acts out causing people to get hurt or something happens with equipment so the play cannot go on I was working a play one night "the last night of ballywhoo(sp?)" And there were only three of us left in the theater and all the lights went out then came back on and several props on the stage had been moved. The teachers there keep a lamp on the stage at all times for her which has been known to flicker.

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