Granite City-Odd Fellows Cemetery

by justingd
(granite city illinois)

The Odd Fellows Cemetery also known as Irish Cemetery and as Spanish Cemetery. Its an old cemetery down the street from the WalMart in Granite City.

It was owned by the Irish family. It is said that if you trespass onto the cemetery, the ghost of an Irish family member will actually scare you so much, that you will have a Heart Attack.

They said it only happens at night though, and to people that are not there to mourn the deaths of the Irish.

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Nov 12, 2016
Family Connections NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know if the people that live down the road from it have any connection to the cemetery?

Aug 22, 2016
Sippy relatives NEW
by: Lisa Arm Schweiger

I have visited and photographed the stones there. I have relatives there as well.

Sep 30, 2015
cemetery NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know who does anything out at the cemetery. I just found out I have family members out there and would like to find a plot map showing where they may be buried. Can anyone help. Its a shame that it is in the shape it is.

Jul 12, 2013
Relations NEW
by: Anonymous

My Father was a Past Grand Master of the local Odd Fellows hall and it had been in our family for at least a couple of generations. One of my dad's best friends was Joe Barco. A few of the gravesites house the ramains of his ancestors.

Apr 12, 2013
Sad place NEW
by: Anonymous

Nothing scary about this place. It is sad though, almost every single headstone has been tipped over. The grounds are no longer cared for and there are so many broken headstones.

Sep 20, 2012
I remember this NEW
by: Anonymous

When I was in high school in the mid 1960's us kids would go there at night. We'd get out and walk through the overgrown cemetery. Nothing ever happened, except us scaring each other and having a good laugh.

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