Dennis Ricksgers

by Dennis Ricksgers
(Canby Oregon, USA)

this is a beam of a ghostly tail. the full ghost is seen in my other pictures

this is a beam of a ghostly tail. the full ghost is seen in my other pictures

I am a ghost picture taker and the house in Canby Oregon was a very haunted location that I lived in for 21 years. i caught several things on my Nikon Coolpix camera and i do have other pictures on this site so i am posting more.

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May 09, 2015
my other pictures NEW
by: Anonymous

hey jc , give me your address and I will send them direct to you if you want. the pictures are under my name but I don't remember the category there in. thanks for your interest ,Dennis

May 09, 2015
Searching . . . NEW
by: ~JC

. . . but have been unable to locate your other photos . . . can you direct me to them?


Apr 04, 2015
response to jc NEW
by: Dennis Ricksgers

hey JC, I really don't know what it is but while living there ,my x and I would be watching TV and on the wall above it was a firey hole that would open up and then close. it did this in several places around the house and I think it was a portal to there world. as to what this is, I did not see it when I took the photo. as you look at the picture there is a shadow being cast behind it. I was sitting in my chair taking pictures like I always did trying to catch the ghosts in my house. I do have other pictures posted on here to so go check them out also.

Apr 04, 2015
Great Photos! NEW
by: ~JC

GREAT photos, Dennis! Can you please reply to my comment, and explain the reason that you believe that the second photo might be the edge of a vortex? (I ask because I have seen a photo with something very similar and have wondered many times what it was that I was seeing!) Thanks Dennis!


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