Chumuckla- Coon Hill

This is an old cemetary buried deep in the woods of NW Florida, just miles south of the Alabama state line. It was a designated burial site for slaves in the early 1800s, but people, both white and black, were buried there up until the early to mid-1900s. However, the area that it is nestled in still has intense racial issues in present day. It is rumored that the ghosts of former slaves haunt the cemetery and surrounding areas. It is nearly impossible to take a picture in the cemetary without capturing several orbs. On a normal visit, you will notice sinkholes several feet deep, where you can literally step into a gravesite. The cemetery is miles away from civilization, but there is no need for flashlights. It is always lit by a dim light, regardless of the lunar cycle. Most notably, several people attempt to walk on top of the wall that surrounds the perimeter of the cemetery. Most claim to feel as though they are being pulled off the wall and into the cemetery. Several have walked away with muddy marks on their jeans that undeniably resemble hand prints. The distinct sound of a woman screaming can also be heard echoing throughout the deserted woods on a regular basis.

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Jun 27, 2014
Been there NEW
by: Anonymous

Been there, it's scary. But amazing. Normally you can see a little girl who was raped ad buried out there. Me and my friends walked over a mile to the cemetery since you cannot drive anymore and we heard a radio (like a CB radio) and then someone walking very loud in the woods and then they stopped when we stopped. The last time we heard it was right before we got there an it sounded like they were talking and then poured water or something out of a container.

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