castle wood elemantary school - haunted forever

by jasmine

In Castle Wood Elementary in the girls bathroom in the night you can hear footsteps following you and a figure would appear and a girl taps you on the shoulder and you'll hear a voice that says 'hi'. If you enter Mrs. Susan Willis's room if you forgot something you can hear a janitor sweeping the floor. If you enter the office, in the 4th camera you'll see a dark figure of a man stand in the middle of the doorway, but at night in the gym you can hear the sound of basketballs and a swish of the basketball hoop and you can hear a teenage boy saying running with another basketball and squeaking and when you're all alone you can hear pepole walking down the stairs and then back to the girls bathroom as the death of Becky Johnson she was 9 when she got mixed up with the wrong medicine and she was coughing and then she dropped on the floor and becky johnson died in 1982.

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Feb 28, 2024
creepy:( NEW
by: I wont tell

ok me and my friend come here to this school so we are recovering stuff and we hear like sounds of screaming and sweeping coming from school we will keep u posted btw story helped a lot

Mar 28, 2023
idk NEW
by: peyton.k

ok so this is so creepy bc when i walked past the girls bathroom i heard some girl say and someone screamed

Mar 06, 2023
idk NEW
by: Anonymous

okay so is this kira's sister and this is truly horrifying btw this is kent from the spelling b

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